Chrome extension notice

A moment for transition

As you can see, a new Backlog has been launched. This June we released our biggest update in the platform, which has been a huge step forward, where a lot of small (and others not so small) things have changed. We have adapted our platform and servers to the increasing user traffic, in addition to some cool new features requested by our users.

Over time, all this changes have made us to support two Backlog versions. We are a small team with no income, and we have decided to focus in the web version and shut down the Chrome extension.

What now?

From today, users should use the Backlog in the browser. Don't worry, all your data, your games and your collections should be there. If there is something missing, tell us something via Twitter or in our Steam Group.

Go to the homepage

What will happen to the Chrome extension?

We have plans in the future for the Chrome extension. We want to take advance of what we have learned and we want to increase our audiences, but for now, we won't modify the extension to adapt it to our new web servers.

Kind Regards,
the Steam Backlog team.