Donate to Steam Backlog
Help and contribute to keep the site alive
How can I support the project?
We really appreciate any contribution from our users.
At this point, we have four main ways to support Steam Backlog.
With affiliate links
As not everyone can or want to give money, we have partnered with game stores to display affiliate links on the site.
By pruchasing a bundle, a monthly or a game in those stores with our link, we will get a small share, and won't cost you anything.
We have affiliate links with Humble Bundle and Instant Gaming.

With suggestions and bug reports
We are continously working on improvements and features for the site. If you find a bug or have any suggestion that could help make the site better, tell us something in our channels.
Open a post on Steam Create an issue on Github Open a chat with usWith visibility
Adding your Steam Backlog profile to your steam page, tweeting about the site, writing a blog post, or even if you just tell your friend about the site, are very good ways
to give us visibility. Those actions help us a lot, and really help us grow.
Thank you!