Battle Realms: Zen Edition - Steam Backlog
Battle Realms: Zen Edition on Steam Backlog

Return of the Classic, now remastered! Battle Realms is a fantasy RTS inspired by the stories told in martial- arts movies and oriental mythology. Develop your peasants into a highly trained and deadly efficient clan of warriors who are ready to die with your name on their lips.


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About the game

Updated 09 July, 2023
07 November, 2001
181 now ~ 699 peak

Battle Realms: Zen Edition Critic and user ratings

88 / 100

Steam score

Very Positive Based on 2.534 votes
Reviews on Steam
82 / 100


Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic
8.6 / 10

Metacritic user

Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic

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