Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon - Steam Backlog
Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon on Steam Backlog

An ancient conspiracy. A broken code. An unsolved murder. Welcome to Broken Sword – The Sleeping Dragon, the multi BAFTA-nominated adventure. Once more George and Nico must travel the world, wrestling danger, and piecing together the clues that will unravel the secrets of the Sleeping Dragon.

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About the game

Updated 03 June, 2023

Broken Sword 3 - the Sleeping Dragon Critic and user ratings

55 / 100

Steam score

Mixed Based on 546 votes
Reviews on Steam
82 / 100


Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic
7.4 / 10

Metacritic user

Mixed or average
Reviews on Metacritic

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