《卡片地下城Card Monsters: Dungeon》采用DBG+Roguelike的模式,我们把卡牌游戏和Roguelike游戏结合起来,随机性与策略性协调统一,将会给玩家带来全新的游戏体验!招募你所钟爱的英雄,经历种种惊险离奇的事件,构筑独一无二的卡组,打败阻拦你前进的怪物,去征服这片神秘的地下城吧!
SteamReleased {{ app.released_at | dateToHuman }}
Steam score is based on user reviews. Users vote if they recommend or not a game, and then a score is calculated based on the amount of positive and negative reviews.
Metacritic scores games with two values, one based on critics (websites and profesional reviewers) and other based on users.
The scores from each review are averaged (a weighted average).
Opencritic works just as Metacritic, but OpenCritic was developed to avoid some of the controversies around Metacritic.
{{ app.scores.oc }} {{ app.scores.ocAward }}
Data displayed here is fetched directly from multiple sources.
Last updated {{ app.updated_at | dateToHuman }}.
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