LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars - Steam Backlog
LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars on Steam Backlog

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars will allow fans to explore endlessly and laugh their way through the Star Wars galaxy in the most humorous, accessible and action-packed LEGO game to date.

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LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars on the community

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About the game

Updated 03 May, 2023
22 March, 2011
245 now ~ 826 peak

LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars Critic and user ratings

94 / 100

Steam score

Very Positive Based on 5.411 votes
Reviews on Steam
76 / 100


Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic
7.7 / 10

Metacritic user

Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic

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