The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - Steam Backlog
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky on Steam Backlog

Hailed as one of the largest, longest and most meticulously detailed turn-based JRPG series of all time, this first chapter in the ongoing Trails saga sets the stage for what's quickly become Ys developer Nihon Falcom's most popular and best-selling franchise in their entire 30+ year history.

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About the game

Updated 10 May, 2023

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Critic and user ratings

93 / 100

Steam score

Very Positive Based on 6.424 votes
Reviews on Steam
85 / 100


Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic
8.6 / 10

Metacritic user

Generally favorable
Reviews on Metacritic

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