UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] - Steam Backlog
UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] on Steam Backlog

Pick one of 20 unique characters and fight your way through the dangers of the “Hollow Night”, and claim your victory over those who would get in your way. Experience intuitive and tight 2D fighter controls, with a splash of devastating combos and unique fighting styles to keep your appetite for battle sated!

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UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] on the community

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About the game

Updated 30 April, 2023
20 August, 2018
42 now ~ 959 peak

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] Critic and user ratings

94 / 100

Steam score

Very Positive Based on 2.369 votes
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