![Dead Rising 3 - Steam Backlog](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/265550/logo.png)
![Dead Rising 3 on Steam Backlog](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/265550/header.jpg)
Explore the zombie-infested city of Los Perdidos, and find a way to escape before a military strike wipes the entire city, and everyone in it, off the map.
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Dead Rising 3 on the community
Released {{ app.released_at | dateToHuman }}
Steam score is based on user reviews. Users vote if they recommend or not a game, and then a score is calculated based on the amount of positive and negative reviews.
Metacritic scores games with two values, one based on critics (websites and profesional reviewers) and other based on users.
The scores from each review are averaged (a weighted average).
Opencritic works just as Metacritic, but OpenCritic was developed to avoid some of the controversies around Metacritic.
{{ app.scores.oc }} {{ app.scores.ocAward }}
Data displayed here is fetched directly from multiple sources.
Last updated {{ app.updated_at | dateToHuman }}.
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