Majesty 2 - Steam Backlog
Majesty 2 on Steam Backlog

In the world of Majesty, you are the ruler of the kingdom Ardania. At your service are your loyal and somewhat obnoxious subordinates, who have their own minds about how things should be done. In fact, Majesty is the only game where your heroes decide on their own what should be done and when, leaving you to try to control them through...


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About the game

Updated 21 July, 2023
17 September, 2009
16 now ~ 142 peak

Majesty 2 Critic and user ratings

70 / 100

Steam score

Mostly Positive Based on 879 votes
Reviews on Steam
72 / 100


Mixed or average
Reviews on Metacritic
7.2 / 10

Metacritic user

Mixed or average
Reviews on Metacritic

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