Richard & Alice - Steam Backlog
Richard & Alice on Steam Backlog

Richard and Alice are prisoners. Both their cells have a leather sofa and a state-of-the-art computer. But only Richard’s has a TV. Outside, the snow falls. It has done for some time. Elsewhere, they say, parts of the world have been rendered an inhospitable desert, the earth parched and cracked. People live in the zones now.


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About the game

Updated 19 April, 2023

Richard & Alice Critic and user ratings

75 / 100

Steam score

Mostly Positive Based on 287 votes
Reviews on Steam
70 / 100


Mixed or average
Reviews on Metacritic
6.9 / 10

Metacritic user

Mixed or average
Reviews on Metacritic
72 / 100


Reviews on Opencritic

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