
Sombearo profile

Library and Backlog numbers

1373 games
96 games
48 games
178 games
129 games


#{{ index+1 }} {{ item }} {{ amount }} games

Sombearo current playlist

Now playing 96 games

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Loading your {{ filters.mode }} requires you to login through Steam.
Make sure your Steam Privacy Settings & Game details are set to public

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Loading the backlog

Loading game data
This can take a while, depending on your connection

Empty search

We have no matches for your search.
Try to change some filters to see if it works

When sorting by score

Sorting by score only displays scored elements.

For example, if you have five games on your library, and only one have been scored by Metacritic, only one element is going to be shown when you select the option to sort games by Metascore.

⚡ Try sorting by name

When filtering by name

When you type something in the search box, we search elements which name is equal to the entered text. We also search for appID when the text is a number.

⚡ Clear the search string {{ filters.string }}

Completed games

Sombearo has completed 48 games

You need to login

Loading your {{ filters.mode }} requires you to login through Steam.
Make sure your Steam Privacy Settings & Game details are set to public

Login with STEAM

Loading the backlog

Loading game data
This can take a while, depending on your connection

Empty search

We have no matches for your search.
Try to change some filters to see if it works

When sorting by score

Sorting by score only displays scored elements.

For example, if you have five games on your library, and only one have been scored by Metacritic, only one element is going to be shown when you select the option to sort games by Metascore.

⚡ Try sorting by name

When filtering by name

When you type something in the search box, we search elements which name is equal to the entered text. We also search for appID when the text is a number.

⚡ Clear the search string {{ filters.string }}